And it comes with a matching conditioner!

May 29, 2010 03:04


Ok, so I went to get a book.  Then, since I love the garden section of stores, I stopped at wal-mart to wander through their garden section (it makes me happy!)  Then, cause wal-mart has 88 cent cupcakes, I went to go get a cupcake, AND GUESS WHAT I FOUND!

(this is so great)


shampoo is something of a trial for me, what with the whole thing where smelly things give me headaches and asthma.  As soon as I find one I can live with, it's promptly discontinued.    Wandering through the inevitably process of smelling an entire aisle of shampoos searching for a bearable one, through the passion fruit and ylang-ylang, and chamomile and kiwi and cucumber, I have yearned for two simple things: rosemary and mint.

Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs.  It's so pretty and pretty, and smells awesome and has good texture, dries nicely, has pretty flowers, improves memory....I love rosemary a lot.  Also, Rosemary is good for brown hair.  Brings out the shine in it.  (Chamomile for blonds, Vey)

And mint.  Mint I also love a lot.  It's yummy, feels cool (I mean that in the literal sense) smells nice, has yummy flowers, is sturdy, goes well with chocolate, kills bacteria (true story, mint kills bacteria, so if you have to drink unpurified water, it's best to chew some mint with the water in your mouth before swallowing, and I think this might be why it's always in toothpaste).  Also, mint is good for an upset stomach and helps you stop coughing.

Also, last summer when ra was in the hospital and we'd banned Nannie from coming cause we didn't want her to get sick what with being immunocompromised, and Nannie was all sad because she really wanted to be able to do something to make Ra feel better, so I let Nannie take me to get my hair actually cut, not just trimmed to make her feel better (I know this sounds small, but this was a huge sacrifice on my part, I love my hair and it still hasn't grown properly back and I miss it!)(It was also really really nice the way Nannie always takes me to get my hair trimmed at her fancy hair place, she's so nice, she's the nicer person in this story, but I did make a huge hair sacrifice, and my ponytail has never been the same) about run on sentences!  Anyway, haircut, they washed it first, and since it was the heat of summer and I was flushed with the walking from the parking lot, they used this incredibly shampoo with MINT in it, and it felt great, all cool and tingly, it had me in awe and really helped me not to cringe as I watched my locks fall away.

Anyway, so I love these two components a lot, and now they are together in ONE SHAMPOO!  Not just any shampoo, either, but an AFFORDABLE SHAMPOO!  NOT AN EXPENSIVE ONE!  And it doesn't give me a headache or asthma!

On my way home from this trip, I did good deeds.  I walked blocks out of my way to make sure to casually walk by the small children I'd driven by selling lemonade, bought their lemonade for twice the price they were asking (dude, some woman walked by and although she had the fifty cents in her change purse, I SAW IT, handed the kids a quarter and said the should give her lemonade for a quarter instead of the fifty cents they were asking for because their cups were small.  Bitch.) and even drank some to make it seem like I wanted the lemonade (I HATE lemonade at the best of times)  While walking there, I rescued a puppy from almost certain death (Poofie Kaplan was the name on the collar.  I kid you not) and returned it to its frantic owner who had been searching in terror for her missing puppy.  But no good deed I do can be enough to repay God for the gloriousness of this shampoo.   I wish my hair was dirty right now!
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