see those little asterisks?
those represent me and my roommates.
voting "no" on the civil union ban.
according to
yay for being a star. might be the only time in my life, so i should live it up, right?
i won't do any ranting about my frustration with my home state at the moment or my extreme loss of state-pride.
looks like abortion won't get banned in SD, so that's good. but it looks like medical marijuana and same-sex marriages will lose, by a frustratingly small margin.
if only they'd put me in charge... everything would be grand. polygamy for all (that's what they're worried about, right?). at least for those who want it. i wouldn't force it. just want people to open up their heads (... and hearts... but that's incredibly cheesy to say... so if anyone asks, i didn't say it, because i'm never cheesy)
i can't wait, though, til they have to define "man" and "woman". could open some really interesting doors.