Saw this film
The Corporation yesterday afternoon. It just ended a two-week run at the Castro Theatre. It's really an amazing film about the nature of corporations. Should appeal to fans of Michael Moore (who appears in it) but it has a little more range than his films -- more serious, but also with some subtle humor. I felt a whole range of emotions watching it -- anger, outrage, even sadness. And there is some room for hope in it -- the executive of a carpet company who has a goal of his company reaching complete environmental sustainability, the people in Bolivia who managed to get rid of the privitization of their water supply.
Also had the monthly open mic event I co-host last night. Big turnout -- the event ran almost three hours. And it was a bit of a media circus, with a reporter and photographer from the newspaper showing up and even a TV camera (some station is doing a story on the space where the event is held.) It's kind of weird.