It'd been a week. A week since that first day that he'd come back from the hospital, and Sulu had had to help him around his flat. A week, most of which he'd spent in a sort of semi-conscious, fatigued and weary state, shuffling about trying to get the necessary things done, but only just succeeding. As Ianto sat on the edge of his bed, just having
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After a long moment, when Ianto was pretty sure he had most of the crying done, the tears once again under control, he let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes and relaxing against Sulu's shoulder. He felt like he needed to explain himself, but. No, of course Sulu would listen to him, this time. He'd just been busy, earlier. There hadn't been time for long explanations. Ianto had to remind himself of that fiercely before he could speak. "I... I'm sorry," he said, softly. "It's. It's been... It's been a bad day." And not just because no one had been around. Jack wasn't around for the majority of the day each of the days he'd spent home from the hospital, but. Ianto had felt more sick than usual on this day. And maybe it was all in his head, but it had sent him spiraling down a very horrible train of thought that, well, had led them to where they were, right there and then.
He wished Ianto wouldn't apologize to him. None of this, none of this was his fault, and he didn't want him to think that it was. But he knew, also, that trying to tell him not to apologize would be useless, just as Ianto telling him had done nothing to ease his fear or guilt. "It's okay," he said instead, rubbing his thumb over Ianto's ice cold hand. He twisted his neck to get a good look at Ianto, as good as he could with how they were positioned. "Tell me about it?"
"Jack's in London," he said, softly. "Haven't seen him all day. Haven't seen anyone all day. I... I don't know if it was because everyone else was busy or whether I just. I mean. It. It was so quiet. So lonely. So much there that I..." He tried to get his explanation out without saying anything about the fact that this was all centered around him not feeling any better. He didn't want Sulu to know that his health hadn't improved at all. Sure, he still looked tired, and sick, but. That didn't mean that Sulu would know that nothing had changed, right? Ianto shivered again, pressing himself closer to the other man, hoping that it wasn't as obvious as he seemed to think it was that he was holding something back in that explanation.
He knew that having things making noise all over the flat wasn't going to help. There wasn't going to be something to fix, not so simply. Knowing that, he didn't know what to say. How to make things even a little better for Ianto. "I'm sorry," he said once again, relying on what he could do, "I know... I know this is hard for you. I want to be able to help you when things get that bad, I just. ...You're still freezing," he said quietly, because Ianto was still cold, and he might've set back any positive developments by sitting out there for so long. He didn't even question that Ianto was getting better - he had to be.
Ianto was starting to shiver continuously, now that he was warming up. "Sorry," he said, apologizing for the motion of it, and the fact that he was basically clinging to the other man, relying on him for support and warmth as he rode it out, his body struggling to bring itself back to some semblance of a normal temperature. Or, well. As close as it had been managing, lately. "I... I am pretty cold. It. It had to be about 5 degrees out there. I should've known better..."
Pushing the thoughts away again, Sulu smiled weakly at Ianto's comments. "Don't apologize, it's okay. We'll just get you warmed up and then..." And then what? What was there to do, when Ianto was feeling as bad as he did? Sulu paused, then asked, "How have you been feeling, lately?" Because right now, yes, Ianto looked just as bad as ever, but it couldn't possibly be the norm for him. No part of Sulu wanted to believe that.
How to answer Sulu's question without outright lying to him, though? Ianto had promised himself that he wouldn't outright lie to the other man, and he intended to keep that promise. It...didn't cover implying something other than the truth, he decided, but. Outright lying was out, and that would be difficult, especially in this situation. "I... I've been alright. Cold. Still tired, but. I mean, I guess that's to be expected. I... I think things're getting better, I just. I guess today's just a bit of a relapse, it seems," he said, trying to cover for the fact that he couldn't pretend to be better like he'd been doing for the last week, when Sulu and Jack had been visiting.
He didn't know if he believed that, really, but his optimism had always brought good results and he wasn't about to abandon it now, when he needed it most. He would just work with what they had and hope for the best, because that was really all he could do. "Until then, though. I'll... I'll see if I can't talk to Jim about fixing my schedule until your better, so I can be available during your nights. I think he might be okay with it, now that he knows about the community again." He hoped, at least.
Not...that he didn't want Sulu to do so. He'd really appreciate it if he could. He loved Jack, but Jack...Jack was restless at nights, Jack looked at him with sad eyes and hesitant smiles and Ianto wanted to do something to fix that but until he got better he couldn't, and so it was just frustrating, the pair of them holding each other at arm's length. At least Sulu wasn't pushing Ianto away, even if Ianto himself might have been doing a little pushing in the opposite direction.
...And even if he did, he knew it would be worth it. "I would. I don't want to leave you alone when you might need me the most, like I've done today. It's not that hard to do, not with Jim at least." He paused, frowning, biting his lip a moment before asking, "I mean, would that - me coming over at night. You'd be okay with that?" Even though he felt he knew the answer, after the way he'd acted today he wasn't quite sure.
Ianto was honestly surprised that he had enough blood flow to his face in order to blush, but apparently he did. "I mean. I'd like that. More than any other option so far, but. I. I don't want you to have to go so far out of your way on my account... And. I mean. You're probably going to have to explain everything to Jim." Assuming he hadn't already. Ianto didn't actually know. He hadn't mentioned it, and Jim hadn't seemed to recognize who Ianto himself was as of yet, so. He was willing to bet that Sulu hadn't.
"I'd be fine with it," he said quietly, trying not to sound as guilty as he felt, "I'll explain enough to Jim to prove that it's important to me, and he's a good man. He'll understand that it's only temporary. I know the rest of the helm crew enough to be able to integrate into a different shift. If you want me to do it, Ianto, consider it done."
Ianto trailed off, sitting up a little straighter, not leaning on Sulu as much because frankly. He was embarrassed with how forceful that had come out of his mouth. Not that it wasn't true, every single word of it was, and yet. He hoped that he hadn't been too harsh. That was all he needed. Making the other man feel guilty about his job, having him come out of his way to come down and spend time with him only to cry on him and then order him around. Ianto felt awkward with just about everything in that moment, and he didn't really like that. He wanted to have the other man around, but. If Sulu didn't want to be there, if he was just there because he thought he should be, then. Then Ianto would rather he just leave.
It really wouldn't be too much of a change, at any rate. Jim was still around during shifts, and if he wasn't, Spock was around, so it wouldn't be so bad. His people knew him, appreciated him enough to know that he never did things on the fly, and it would be a smooth transition back and forth. "I told you earlier. I'll do anything for you, all right? Shifting my schedule around is the least I can do for you, Ianto."
He fell silent for a moment, before adding to that statement. "You'd have to share with Jack sometimes, too. He swings by during the night. I... It'd be nice to have someone around that would actually sleep while I was sleeping too, though. Not... Not that I don't appreciate Jack being there for me. I do, but." Ianto turned his head so that his cheek was pressed against Sulu's shoulder. "Well. You spent some time with him, while..." Ianto still didn't really like admitting to the fact that he'd been dead, so he trailed off, before picking up after that thought. "You must be at least semi aware of what his sleeping pattern is like." Or lack thereof, which might be a bit more accurate about Jack. Ianto was a pretty deep sleeper, and Jack even woke him up sometimes, milling about the room at night. Not recently, with how tired he'd been as of late, but. Generally speaking, that was usually how things worked out.
Smiling ruefully, Sulu nodded, making an affirmative noise as Ianto mentioned Jack's sleeping habits. He didn't want to think much about the time they'd been together, when Ianto had been dead, but it was true. He had some idea of how little Jack slept; even then, he'd felt like he'd been forcing the other to sleep more than he'd probably slept in the last twenty years. "Yeah, I have an idea. And it'll be okay sharing you with him," he said with a small laugh, "We crashed together on my tiny bed enough that it won't be awkward, don't worry."
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