Aug 20, 2011 01:09
So far, Ianto's birthday had gone pretty much like any other day, which was just well enough for him. There were no big emergencies, there was no huge excitement that might lead to one of his friends or himself dying, it was just business as usual. Expense reports, feeding Myfanwy, cleaning the Hub, that sort of thing. Of course, Gwen had brought him in a cupcake (from the market, thank god, he'd still have eaten it if she'd made it but at least this time he knew that he would enjoy it, which was less than he could be sure of with Gwen's home cooking), and Jack had gotten him the new addon for his coffee machine that he'd been looking to mod onto it for a while. But other than that, there was no big fuss, which was just the way he liked it.
Besides, he knew that Sulu had something in store for him. He didn't know what, but he had been told by the other man to keep his evening free and to be at his flat waiting. He hadn't told him what sort of an occasion to dress for exactly, so Ianto'd just gone with changing into a clean button-down and a pair of jeans. More casual than work, but more all-occasion than a suit and tie would ever be. And then he sat down in his living room, and waited. With a mug of coffee. He figured he was at least safe caffeinating himself, if nothing else.