More Chapter Updates and One new story

Dec 15, 2009 20:20

Title: Aliens to Vampires and Everything in between

Author: Wereleopard58

Rating: FRAO

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Cordy/Angel

Spoilers: Ummm all of Torchwood and Angel

Summary: Ianto couldn’t wait around and hope that Jack would leave The Doctor and come back to him. Why would he do that leave a time lord for a Welshman? He was saved in LA and was given a job. A receptionist???? Oh and John Hart

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood, or Angel.

N/B This is based at the start of season two of Torchwood and obviously after the Pylea episodes of Angel

Chapter Four

Title: I Can See You
Author: Werelopard58
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Janto
Genre: Romance
Rating: FRAO
Summary: This is the full moon challenge for the story lottery. Jack goes to Ianto’s grave but something strange happens
Spoilers: All of Torchwood and Hub 3 convention
Disclaimer: I do not own anything belonging to Torchwood
N/B This is for Gareth David-Lloyd and also for the person who came up with the question at the convention. If anyone remembers who it is let me know g. I want to thank them I will also be doing some other story suggestions that were made over the weekend and thank you to those who I met and had a great time with. You all rock.

Chapter Three

Title: When One Door Closes Another Opens
Author: Wereleopard58
Rating: FRAO
Pairing: Ianto/Clark, Lex/Tosh, Jack/Gwen (not intentional no relationship)
Spoilers: All of Torchwood and Smallville
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood or Smallville. I wish.
Summary: Ianto’s heart is broken but being the man he is he continues working. Could there be someone out there for him? Maybe this mission he was sent on could mean just that. Someone who is not of this world
Feedback. Would appreciate it but just hope you enjoy the story

Chapter One
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