Editor's Note: If your item was not linked, it's because the header lacked the information that we like to give our readers. Please at least give the title, rating, and pairing or characters, and please include the header in the storypost itself, not just in the linking post. Spoiler warnings are also greatly appreciated. If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us with further information and your link below. Thank you!
Challenge 243 in
tw100 Fanfiction
Two Drabbles by
iantojjackh [Jack/Ianto, Jack/Owen | PG]
Convictions, Captains, and Cotton Candy by
black_k_kat [Jack/Ianto | PG]
A Promise Kept by
donutsweeper [Jack | G]
If Only by
totally4ryo [Jack/Ianto, John Hart, Gwen, Rhys | PG]
The Oncoming Storm Chapter 11 by
evalentine99 [Jack/Ianto, OC, K9 | 16+]
In Plain Sight Chapter 16 by
jellopubes [Owen/Ianto, Toshiko, Gwen, Jack/Ianto | M]
Best Man 4/13 + Epilogue by
darkwingduckie7 [Ianto/Jack, Ianto/Lisa, Tosh/Owen, Mickey, Andy, mentioned Gwen/Rhys, Rhiannon/Johnny, OCs | PG]
You can reach us in the comments or at torchwood.three@gmail.com