Fic: Dr. Owen's Sing-a-long Torchwood, for xrai_namere

Dec 31, 2010 16:57

Title:Dr Owen's Sing A-long Torchwood
Username: [To be announced]
Recipient: xrai_namere
Rating: PG
Warnings: nope
Summary: Ianto and Rhys save the day! yep. *nods*

Ianto rushed into the bar, with several ‘walked into a bar’ jokes running through his head. He brushed them aside, searching a bit wildly. His darting eyes lit up as they settled on the figure sitting at the bar, grinning and pointing at the TV. Wales was beating UK up there… good rugby game. Too bad he couldn’t grab a pint and watch the rest with his mates. Been too long since he’d done that… internally sighing, he strode over to the man he was looking for and dropped a hand on his shoulder.

Rhys had been having a good night. Gwen was having another late night at work, of course… but he was beginning to get used to that. Daf had invited him out to watch the rugby game down at the pub with the boys, and Rhys had decided it was a good night to get out. So here he was, all excited that Wales was winning, they’d just scored again… when a hand dropped on his shoulder.

Ianto glanced down at Rhys, taking in the mix of expressions all at once. Irritation, annoyance, confusion, recognition and finally, fear. Rhys knew that if Ianto had tracked him down and personally come to get him, it must be bad. Ianto motioned towards the door with his head, and stalked off with purpose. Rhys nodded to his mates and with a quick, ‘gotta go’ he trailed Ianto’s suit clad figure out the door. He knew they’d be wondering why he just left with a strange man with barely a word to them, and he’d hear all about it later. Right now though, that wasn’t important. Something must’ve happened to Gwen. That’s what was important.

Ianto was jogging towards the Plass at a decent pace, Rhys struggled to keep up. He called to Ianto who slowed down marginally, glancing back meaningfully at his friend. Taking his meaning, Rhys picked up a bit of speed, and together they stopped on the invisible lift. As the stone descended into the Hub, Rhys took the time to catch his breath as he glanced around him. Coming down this way was always impressive, no matter how many times (not many, mind) that he’d done it. And even in his state of semi-panic he was able to appreciate the glory of the surrounding ‘building’. It had such a Batman feel to it, and the geek that lived within Rhys always wanted to search for the Batmobile. He wondered briefly if they had a ‘Torchwoodmobile.’ Well… the SUV…

Not now though. The lift settled into its spot in the ground, near the moat in the center of the Hub. Ianto touched Rhys’ arm and motioned for him to be quiet and follow. He whispered, “They’re in here” as they made their way along the halls leading passed the cells and towards the secure Archives.

Ianto pulled his gun as they came down, and Rhys felt a flash of … jealousy? Maybe. He’d always liked the idea of having a gun, or something cool. All James Bond-like. Right now though, he was terribly glad that Ianto was prepared.

Rhys was not, however, prepared for what he saw when they got down to the deeper dungeons. Owen had locked Gwen, Tosh and Jack into separate cells and was pacing back and forth between them ranting and raving about how he should be taking over the world. He gave some arguments that may have been good, if one was honest, but really… letting Owen Harper have the world? Bad plan over all. He sounded like any other evil dictator or mad scientist who had ever wanted to be Lord of All Things. He was ranting about how “the status was not quo” and how “the world was messed up and he just needed to rule it” He sounded like he was still working on the delivery. Rhys got the sneaking suspicion that Owen had locked his wife and Jack up here just to practice his speech.

Ianto hissed to Rhys, “pendant around his neck. Its controlling him, it’s like a remote control. I’ll distract him, you grab it.”

Without checking to see if Rhys was ready to go or not, Ianto jumped up and trained his gun on the flailing medic. “Owen… Owen stop this right now. Let them go and we can all sit down and have a nice cup of coffee and you can tell us calmly and rationally why you should rule the world.”

For his part, Rhys was not ready when the Archivist set his plan in motion. He cursed himself and snuck his way around the distracted would-be dictator. He wasn’t so good at the sneaking bit. Wasn’t really his thing, but he did a passable job. At least he thought he did. Now… he was behind Owen…ish. How the fuck was he supposed to get the bloody thing off of him!?
Owen had turned full force onto Ianto, and pulled his own weapon. Well… weapon in the loosest sense. It was the singularity scalpel, as that’s what had been near him when he had been “taken over.” It was as much a weapon as Ianto’s Colt though. Anything with the ability to remove one’s spleen with the push of a button… Ianto considered that a weapon and he did NOT want to see his spleen splatted on the floor. He spoke softly, as one might to a violent dog, attempting to keep him distracted. It was working rather well, until Rhys tripped. Ianto’s sea blue eyes rolled and he leapt forward as Owen whipped around the alien device.

They would have to watch the CCTV camera’s later to see what had actually transpired. Ianto shot, his aim true, hitting Owen in the other shoulder (and oh, Owen would have a field day later with that). Rhys tackled him in a pretty accurate approximation of a perfect rugby move sitting on his chest, fighting off the alien tech that Owen was flailing around. Then calm as the grave, Ianto stooped down and pulled the pendant off of Owen with a strong yank. He watched as his friend’s eyes went wide with pain and confusion, and then Owen passed out into blissful silence.

Ianto studied the pendant for a minute, before Jack’s voice cut through his reverie. “You mind letting us outta here?”

Rhys, for his part, stood up slowly and then fell down quickly with a pile of frantic Gwen in his arms. She kissed him and praised his bravery, smiling like he was the only man in the world, pausing only once to smack him on the shoulder for being so daft and almost getting hurt. Jack gave them permission to leave, with a smile at Rhys, and a passing “nice job.”

Ianto and Jack manhandled Owen’s body down to the autopsy bay and cleaned up his shoulder wound, as Tosh put the pendent off to the side in Ianto’s desk so that he could Archive it properly later. She was trembling a bit as she did so, Tosh was normally a very strong woman; she was rather good at keeping her cool around aliens and cannibals and whatever else Torchwood could normally throw at her. This was OWEN however…. And he’d been so…. So not Owen. She sighed and made her way to the autopsy bay to watch Jack and Ianto take care of him.

The boys put the medic down on the autopsy table, lying him on his stomach, and Ianto prepped the alcohol pads and other such instruments necessary for the surgery while Jack cut his clothing off and got his IV started. The wound was not bad, Ianto’s aim was true. He had hit just above the shoulder blade, where there was no bone or anything important to be hit. In then out. Quickly, they cleaned the wound and bandaged it, and got him comfortable for when he woke up.

Tosh made her way down to the bed, and took his hand. She still cared for him and knew it was the alien pendant that had done this. Hell, she herself had been under the influence of one before. Ianto put a hand on her shoulder. “You ok, Tosh?”

“Fine, Ianto… just… I’m gonna sit with him for now. Is that alright?” She looked up at him with wide eyes.

“Of course, Tosh… Just let Jack or I know when he wakes up.” He smiled at her. Ianto knew her feelings for Owen…. Hell, everyone except Owen seemed to know her feelings for Owen. He left her to it with a squeeze of her shoulder and followed Jack to his office. They stayed in there for the next few hours, as Tosh played with her PDA and sat beside Owen.

When he finally woke up, the team, sans Gwen, sat together in the autopsy bay, coffees in hand; Owen told them what happened. Apparently, he had been doing an autopsy on the dead alien they had found the night before and, as he had been removing the alien’s clothing and setting it aside, the pendant had glittered at him. He could ‘hear’ its influence in his head. “Owen Harper… we can make your dreams come true….” it had crooned in his head. He put it off to the side and finished the autopsy, distracted. Finally, he had given in. He described a feeling of being ‘pushed to the back of his head’ and ‘watching what he was doing but having no control.’ Owen shook his head when he was finished with his story. “I’m sorry, mates. I never wanted to hurt any of you. Though… ruling the world wouldn’t be too bad, yeah?” He looked up with a wry smile at them, and they knew he would be fine.

“Tosh, take Owen home. Make sure he eats something. Both of you take tomorrow morning off. Have a lie in. And call Gwen and tell her the same.” Jack used his ‘authoritative, Captain-y’ voice, and they all knew not to argue.

“Tomorrow, mate, you and I are gonna have words.” Owen was looking at Ianto with a look somewhere between awe and annoyance. “You shot me again.”

Ianto shook his head with a laugh and took the pendant down into the Secure Archives, filing it under the ‘Extremely Dangerous, Do Not Touch’ section. He had shoved it in one of their containment boxes, hoping to block out any of the calls from the pendant. Returning to the main floor of the now darkened Hub, he made his way into Jack’s office. Jack seemed to be waiting for him… Ianto rolled his eyes; the Captain must’ve been watching him on the CCTV. Typical. “Now… let’s talk about your reward for quick thinking on the job, and saving the lives of my crew.” He sidled towards Ianto like a tiger ready to pounce.

Ianto grinned and with a quick “Yes sir” allowed himself to be well and properly thanked for the next several hours… the thought in the back of his mind… all in a day’s work, here at Torchwood.

word count: 1000 - 3999, rating: pg, 2010 exchange, fic

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