Art: Time Agents, by uglybusiness

Nov 08, 2008 10:26

Title: Time Agents
Artist: uglybusiness
Rating: open
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack Harkness, John Hart
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none

Why you should check out this art: When I was a kid, I read everything I could get my hands on. The outdoors held some allure, but the adventures of Sir Ivanhoe held much more. One day, while trolling for new reading material in the school library, I wandered across Tunnel in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein. After that it was Asimov, Dickson, Zelazny, Clarke (though I think I may have been permanently warped by Childhood's End), and Frank Herbert to name a few. The door to the amazing world of science fiction was wide open and I threw myself across the threshold and never looked back.

uglybusiness has captured the exact feel to those days with her Time Agents wallpaper art work. The moment I saw it, I thought of book covers with slightly worn edges and stories of grand adventures throughout time and space. It's a superb rendition of the style of art science fiction favored during - to my recollection - the late 1950's, and throughout much of the 1960's and 70's. Think back to those paperback book covers with their stylized backgrounds and strong action poses. Now put our own Captain Jack Harkness in the picture and add his 'partner in crime' Captain John Hart to it. I'm sure, if this book had been on the shelf when I was a kid, I would have read it in a heartbeat. As an added plus, take a look at John's figure, then click the link to see the original scan the artist had to work with. The colorization and style fits the theme perfectly.

Artists appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

character: john hart, reccer: thaddeusfavour, character: jack, sex: gen, type: art

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