Almost Like A ProphecyVidder:
heidi8 Song/Artist: "The Wizard and I" originally from the Wicked soundtrack, sung by John Barrowman
Rating: standard
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Doctor & Jack, Doctor Who cast, Torchwood Team
Spoilers: Through the end of Doctor Who Series 3, and Torchwood Series 1.
Summary: When I meet the wizard, my whole life will change...
Why you should watch this vid:
heidi8 is apparently not the only one to find this song stunningly appropriate for Jack's relationship with the Doctor; in his latest round of concerts, John Barrowman has been doing this number as his tribute to Captain Jack & Doctor Who, only he's actually been replacing the word 'wizard' with 'doctor'. Edited beautifully and simply, with plenty of wistful, poignant moments, as well as notes of humor, this vid showcases the idealistic fantasy of finding the perfect mentor: someone who will "fix" you, and at the same time, ought to have loved you the way you were all along. Torchwood, in this vid, is really highlighted as Jack's labor of love in the Doctor's honor. It's also bittersweet because, if you know the show, Wicked, at all, it's a nod to the fact that mentors, no matter who they are, will always at some point disappoint you. An allusion to the way Jack's story ends really makes this vid for me.
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