Rec: Five Kisses Owen Doesn't Talk About, by pocketmouse

Jul 31, 2008 19:12

Title: Five Kisses Owen Doesn't Talk About
Author: pocketmouse 
Rating: mature (sex)
Length: oneshot
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Owen/Suzie, Ianto/Owen, Gwen/Owen, Owen/Tosh, Jack/Owen
Warnings: none.
Spoilers: none.
Summary: What it says on the tin.

Why you should read it: Five kisses Owen has, one with each member of the team (Suzie included), though they're not all romantic, or even all sexual. Alternatively touching, dark, sexy, and ouch, pocketmouse  captures Owen from all angles in this lovely 'five things' piece. I particularly like that she doesn't just rely on canon events, but creates her own mini-plots for each piece.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

category: hurt/comfort, type: fic, sex: slash, character: jack, character: tosh, award: skiffy, character: suzie, character: ianto, pairing: ianto/owen, pairing: gwen/owen, era: pre-series, pairing: owen/tosh, character: owen, era: series one, sex: het, length: aa1000-5000, pairing: jack/owen, genre: character study, length: oneshot, character: gwen, rating: mature (sex), pairing: owen/suzie, category: vignette

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