Fic: deny, distract, discredit by pogrebin

Jul 30, 2010 23:16

Title: deny, distract, discredit
Author: pogrebin
Rating: standard
Length: one-shot
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ianto, Jack, Gwen and side of Martha
Genre/Category: character study
Warnings: none
Spoilers: s1, s2, DW s3, TW radio plays
Summary: Thirteen Ways Torchwood Rationalises The Things They Do (In Chronological Order)

Why you should read it: It's like a breakdown of the characters, and yet much more. Especially Jack's parts (shh! no giggling at that!):
The Doctor looks at him and sees fixity in a universe of flux, changeless and repeating, he will last the length of time and then rocket back again until there is nothing else but him, filling up all the gaps in time-and-space until his chronology stretches from the beginning all the way to the end of the universe, one unbroken line of Jack Harkness, all reaching out and brushing their fingertips together. Then Ianto brings him coffee and Gwen props herself on his desk and forces him to answer the questions in a Heat magazine quiz that she swears she only bought for 'research purposes'-- and Jack stops thinking in four dimensions and starts living in three.

From the beginning of the series to the almost end, each vignette explores a bit about the characters, in a fill-in-the-blanks kind of way.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

type: fic, length: ficlet, character: jack, character: ianto, character: martha, rating: standard, sex: gen, reccer: kel_reiley, era: series one, category: missing scene, pairing: jack/ianto, genre: character study, length: oneshot, character: gwen, pairing: gwen/rhys, era: post-series two

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