put yourself in the right frame of mind. Got it? Good! Allons-y!
Yesterday, April 1, was Torchwood House's annual Who Day. One day out of every year, an alternate universe slips into place and Torchwood House becomes "Torchwood House: The Doctor Files." In other words, we recced Who fic, vids, and etc. all day. We've also made up a handy list of some of the cool fic and vids that wouldn't fit into a single day of recs. For those of you who missed the layout change... you only have a year to wait until we do it again!
Until then, enjoy a sampling of recs that may or may not have Jack in them, but will always feature The Doctor.
Aim for the Moon (And You'll Still Hit The Stars), by
RainyD [Doctor/TARDIS]
Why you should read it: Companions come, and companions go, but his most faithful: surely, that's forever. This story makes the TARDIS come to life, and what a girl she is! (The "/" is not just a punctuation mark, and it kind of makes for a story that's so wrong it's right!)
Amuse Yourselves, by
samfeasor [Ace/Rose; Seven, Ten]
Why you should read it: Rose and Ace have a lot in common, and this fic is sweet, hot, and brings two generations of Who together... in that sexy way.
Bless, by
commodoresexual [Master/Lucy]
Why you should read it: Richly dark and disturbing -- yet oh so very convincing.
A Butterfly for Every Storm, by
nostalgia [Ten, Martha]
Why you should read it: I like this one for its mythic undertones, the merging of the Doctor as a slightly silly, slightly crazy alien and the stories of gods he leaves behind -- and what happens when those stories start making meaning in his own head.
Crazy in Love: A Case Study of Factitious Disorders and Relationship Breakdown in Gallifreyan Males, by
shaggydogstail, fic lj
shaggydogstales [Doctor/Master, AU after series 3]
Summary: Individuals with Factitious Disorder may be trying to repeat a satisfying childhood relationship with a doctor. (Source: Wikipedia)
Why you should read it: This is crack, but in that... well, immensely plausible way -- hilarious, laugh out loud, and yet, somehow, really true to the characters.
Drinking Tactics for Nine Hundred Year Old Minors, by
riversrunthroughme [Eleven, Sally Sparrow]
Why you should read it: We don't really know Eleven yet, but this fic reunites him with a favorite old friend, and they are really way too delightful together. Funny, sweet, and charming.
Dumb Luck, by
becky_h, fic lj
becky_writingSummary: Set before Boomtown. Jack gets himself into trouble. The Doctor gets him out - sort of. Shameless PWP and use of cliché.
How To Tell Your Time Lord That He's Gay, by
shaggydogstail, fic lj
shaggydogstalesSummary: Martha and Donna decide it's high time they resolved the question of the Doctor's sexuality once and for all. Well, when they aren't busy practising their own, that is.
Why you should read it: Pure cracky fun.
The Last Time Lord, by
elfinessySummary: Just between Holmes and Watson, there's more than one "doctor."
Why you should read it: Short and sweet, with a bit of tug.
The Man in the Blue Box, by
CryptileWhy you should read it: Stories that retell the Doctor as a fairy tale, as a horror story, as a myth, always move me and this is one. The last line is perfect.
Most of All, by
thirty2flavorsWhy you should read it: The aftermath of 'Journey's End' and because I love Donna, I love this story about her presence in absence.
Nighthawks, by
aervir [Rose/Romana II]
Summary: Some bar on some planet and a girl called Fred.
Why you should read it: A gorgeous illumination of canon, beautifully written, and these two go together like ice cream and pie.
Pages from a Broken Book, by
azriona [Ten.5/Rose]
Why you should read it: It's not all peaches and cream for Handy & Rose, and this fic really shows us the interior mechanisms of these characters, all cogs and wheels and not quite right, but somehow making it work anyway.
Paternity, by
Calapine [Ten, Sarah Jane, Luke Smith, Clyde]
Why you should read it: Ten is so very right in this story, which is playful, snarky and with just the right note of wonder. And SJA people are bang on the money, too.
Sartorial Differences, by
aralias [Six/Ainley!Master]
Summary: In order to make Trial of a Time Lord make some sort of sense, the Doctor goes back in time, to before his trial, to ask if the Master would mind doing him a massive favour...
Why you should read it: Fandom is so into Simm!Master these days, it's nice to find a fic that really recognizes and appreciates the fey villainy of his predecessors. And this one really hits the nail on the head.
Secret Santa, by
wendymr [Ten, Rose, Jackie, Mickey, Jack, Wilfred]
Summary: Six linked drabbles as the Tenth Doctor has a busy Christmas Eve. Upcoming episodes? What upcoming episodes? ;)
Why you should read it: This is a collage of small ordinary moments that come together to create something so heartwarming and perfect, it takes the breath away. Really, it's a deGrincher to match up with the best of them.
Universal Constant, by
Nix NadaWhy you should read it: A lovely short fic that brings the end back to the begining.
Within the Realm of Possibility, by
koshiroryuu [Six, Peri, Prince Richard, Prince Edward, Ten, Anastasia Romanov, Four/Stephen Fry, Uemura Naomi, Second Doctor, Jamie, Humphrey, Virginia Dare]
Why you should read it: Ever wonder what happens to the missing ones? The Doctor(s) and his companions know. Reading this is like putting together a really ingenious jigsaw; it's chock full of satisfying clicks.
A Wound in Time, by
sahiya [River Song/Jack Harkness/Tenth Doctor]
Summary: Take one uneasy threesome, two inexplicably deserted ships, one immortal's mysterious past, and a rip in space and time. Shake well and step back quickly.
Boulevard of Broken Songs, by
hollywoodgrrl [Rose, Martha, Donna, Ten]
Why you should watch it: Working with point of view, this vid balances each companion's story with a song in the mash-up; it works as a collage on every level -- visual, auditory and plot. It's a great homage to and reading of the show.
The Doctor Visits Jenny (End of Time AU), by
UsagiTsukinoMoon [Ten, Jenny]
Why you should watch it: This vid admirably employs footage from other sources to tell a constructed story that really works! I can totally see this happening... and that's a measure of its success.
Farewell to Ten, the Doctor Who Remix, by
pinkfinity Golden, by
Lozzeh13 Hanging by a Moment, by
tearsofpearls89 [Ten/Rose]
I Love the World, by
hllangelWhy you should watch it: Boom de ya da, boom de ya da...
(Tribute to the Tenth Doctor) Let's go back to the start ..., by
misscynthia17 Lost Along The Way (Tenth Tribute), by
Lozzeh13 Marble House, by
hollywoodgrrl [Ten]
Mothership, by
laurashapiro [Ensemble]
Why you should watch it: Oh, this is the show that I love, condensed into concentrated awesome: edges, sweetness, spaceships, time, love, choices good and bad -- the whole thing.
Places, by
piffo Shut Up And Drive, by
laurashapiro [Martha]
Why you should watch it: Perfect clip choice, and excellent musicality really make this vid stand out; it's the kind of vidding that looks effortless, and really, really isn't.
Who Knew?, by
tearsofpearls89Why you should watch it: Who Knew works wonderfully for the story of Rose and Nine. I absolutely loved the ninth Doctor, and still miss him, this song about losing him is perfect, the last shot, especially so.