Vid: Half-Jack by Kei a.k.a. Phaetonschariot

Jan 07, 2010 14:47

Title: Half-Jack
Vidder: Kei a.k.a phaetonschariot
Song/Artist: Half-Jack, by the Dresden Dolls
Rating: Standard
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Alice, Jack, Steven
Spoilers: Children of Earth

Why you should watch this vid:

This is a song from a woman to her father -- her biological father, the part of her that is half-Jack. It is raw, open, emotional - and the perfect song choice for a video about Alice. Alice’s view of Jack, with all of the twists and complications that come with difficult family members, is represented in this vid. The story of Children of Earth through her eyes, told through some very clever matching by Kei, is ultimately heartbreaking. The ending is particularly effective and I just love the timing on the last line. I won’t say more in case of spoiling it, but this is definitely one where you want to be listening to the lyrics.

I don’t watch many vids, and when I do, I like the vid to tell me something, whether it’s a character study or a story. This is a beautiful illumination of Children of Earth, and of Alice as a character. I loved it when I first saw it, and I still love it now; I’ve been saving it up to be my first rec of 2010. I hope that you enjoy it too!

Vidders appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

character: jack, reccer: misswinterhill, era: post-coe, rating: standard, character: alice, genre: character study, type: vid, genre: drama, category: character death, character: steven, category: vignette

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