Title: Untitled Series of Jack/Ianto metas
solitary_summerSpoilers: everything through Children of Earth
Topic: Jack/Ianto relationship, Jack and Ianto as individuals, Children of Earth narrative as a whole
Why you should read it: For me, the best part about Torchwood, Torchwood fandom, and fanfic in general, is the many and varied interpretations that can be derived and inferred from the given canon. I firmly believe that there is no characterization, no scene analysis, no perception or 'insight' of the characters - their interactions or their motives - that is wrong, as long as one can provide some evidence and convince me. All these things are subjective and everyone sees them differently. What I particularly like about
solitary_summer's meta is that, while I may not whole-heartedly agree with all of it, I can understand clearly the position and see canon evidence to back up each argument.
The first,
general thoughts about the Jack/Ianto relationship as seen in series one, is probably the most 'in-line' with my own interpretation that I have ever seen anywhere else.
The second,
the Jack/Ianto relationship through Children of Earth, explores each character, his motivations, his virtues and flaws, and how they work together, using examples from all 3 series' and the radio plays.
The third,
a look at the narrative structure and ethics for Children of Earth, is the only bit of meta I've read so far that made me rethink my own feelings about CoE. This made me wish that I could have seen it this way. Even if you don't agree with it, it's still an interesting and enlightening read that could open up all sorts of new possibilities you may never have considered before.
All are of considerable length and well-worth bookmarking for later perusal.
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