The Way BackAuthor:
kanekoRating: standard
Length: 1,360 words
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Ianto
Genre/Category: time-travel, future
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none specific
Summary: Jack and Ianto travel through time and space - you can never go home again.
Why you should read it: Written between the end of Torchwood series 1 and Doctor Who series 3, the background information for both Jack and Ianto given in this have been jossed, but I love, love, love this depiction of Jack's home world.
"Jack," Ianto interrupted gently. After two years of dodging the Time Agency and exploring space and time with Jack, he knew how good Jack was at prevaricating. "You've seen Wales. I want to see where you grew up."
"All right," Jack said. He was still flexing his fingers, as though they hurt. "We can do that."
This is a short fic that only hints at what Jack's life must have been like as a child; it makes sense that Jack never talked about it, that he left the first chance he got.
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