Fic: Lost, by notevery

Aug 16, 2009 11:58

Title: Lost
Author: notevery
Rating: explicit (sex, slight violence)
Length: ~ 5500
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Ianto
Genre/Category: Hurt/Comfort, Post-ep, First-time
Warnings: slight violence
Spoilers: Countrycide, Everything Changes
Summary: Ianto makes Jack coffee. Jack makes Ianto hurt.

Why you should read it: After countrycide Ianto is understandably a bit shaken up. What I like about this fic is that it takes the confusion and terror he feels at the cannibal incident and mixes it with the panic and vulnerability of starting something new with Jack. Especially nice is the fact that the sex doesn’t magically fix everything, in some ways Ianto is more vulnerable afterwards, his shields stripped of their power to hide him.

This fic also has a Gwen/Owen companion piece, Found.

Authors appreciate your comments! Feel free to let them know if you liked their work.

category: hurt/comfort, genre: sex, type: fic, category: angst, sex: slash, character: jack, era: series one, genre: relationship, episode: countrycide, character: ianto, category: first time, rating: explicit (sex), pairing: jack/ianto, length: b5000-10000, rating: mature (violence)

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