Bath TangleAuthor:
bojiRating: mature
Length: 7,260 words, one shot
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jack/Beau Brummel, Jack/Ten (implied Jack/Nine, and Jack/Brummel/Byron)
Genre/Category: au, crossover, romance, character study
Warnings: none
Spoilers: DW Doomsday; au post DW Parting of the Ways; BBC4's Brummel: That Charming Man (starring James Purefoy!)
Summary: From futuristic battlefields to Regency ballrooms, Jack has always been a survivor. He's not the conman he used to be, but he makes a passable dandy. If only he could stop thinking about where he's been and the man who left him behind.
Why you should read it: Sometimes the problem with crossovers, especially with fandoms of differing tonal quality, is making the two worlds blend without doing serious violence to either. Loving both Torchwood and the Regency/Georgette-Heyer!world as much as I do, the idea of crossing the two fills me with equal measures of trepidation and squee. I crave it, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to fuck either of them up! However, if anyone can bridge the gap, it's Jack Harkness.
boji avoids the problem adroitly and admirably by making a virtue of necessity. Her Jack, while performing well as one might expect in the card room and the ball room, has not slotted in completely; he's still a man of the future, still carries Rose's ipod as a memory, is still wracked with his longing for the Doctor. While his internal voice is very much his own, the world around him has the cadence of Heyer, and her drawling, be-cravated gentlemen of leisure who we love so very much. The fic has a few apostrophe related typos and some missing words, but it is such an awesome mélange of two worlds I adore, I don't even care. Go read it, and discover an alternate universe, where after being abandoned on a space station, Jack didn't jump back to a Victorian world post-the Torchwood Institute, but instead landed in the first decade of the 19th century, the world of Napoleon and Almacks, faro and whist, dandies and Bath misses, and of course, Brummel and Byron.
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