Title- Feet upon your desk (An absent Friends Fanfic
Rating: PG
Characters: Jack, Ianto, 10th Doctor
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Absent Friends Trailer
Notes: I am a HUGE advocate for getting Absent Friends released 💔 I love the part in the trailer where the Doctor is discovered with his feet on his desk by Jack so this is a little fic on perhaps how it went. One day I would love to find out for real though. Come on Big Finish
The Torchwood hub was more than simply a base of operations for Captain Jack Harkness, it was his home, his safety (most of the time). So if something had the intention to be even slightly out of place or someone was there who shouldn't be, then he was going to notice it in a heartbeat.
Walking purposefully through the revolving cog door, Jack abruptly shushed Ianto a little harsher than he intended, something wasn't right. He just knew it.
Ianto paused mid flow of conversation looking a little forlorn. After all, he felt tile adhesive would bring back the shine of the rusted Torchwood logo above the old sofa beautifully.
Crouching slightly Jack drew his webley and cursed the cog door for creating even more noise as it closed itself behind them. Whoever was here definitely knew they had company now.
"Jack?" Ianto hissed, noticing the shift in the Captain's body language. The Welshman followed suit, crouching cautiously behind him.
"Someone is here" Jack whispered, eyes frantically scanning around the Hub for any signs of movement. Myfanwy chirped contenty from somewhere above. She didn't appear alarmed but he couldn't risk a Pteranodon's jurisdiction on who was considered an intruder or not.
"How can you tell?" Ianto whispered, "It's probably just Gwen forgetting her snood again."
Typical, after a successful rift activity free date at the bowling alley, of course something had to happen during the course of the evening.
"Something feels off" Jack replied feeling a little frustrated. He slowly made his way towards his office.
Thats when he spotted it.
A silhouette behind the glass.
Not belonging to Gwen Cooper either.
Jack pointed to ensure Ianto had seen it and gave him wordless instructions to stay behind him as he planned on bursting through the office doors to hopefully surprise the unknown intruder. Or at least thats what Ianto had interpreted Jack's clumsy handsignals as but it was a very Jack-esc plan regardless.
Good enough.
And Jack was off like a lightning bolt, crashing through the doors with his weapon drawn. Ianto right behind him brandishing his own handgun.
A bit of confusion too.
"Doctor!?" Jack stared in disbelief at the timelord. Geeky glasses, long brown coat. It was him alright.
A toothy smile and outstretched welcoming arms, "Jack!"
Ianto akwardly switched his gaze between both men, he didn't know what to do or what was going to happen.
Jack lowered his gun, "W w wait you are sitting in my chair!"
"Feet upon your desk, naughty here I am, in the heart of Torchwood, an organisation dedicated to hunting me down well you got me..."