It Goes On (Part 4 of A Good Old Normal, Human Life)

Feb 25, 2012 20:15

Title: It Goes On (1/4)
Series: A Good Old Normal, Human Life
Rating: R
Word Count: 1740 / 8320
Pairing: Ten2/Alt.Master, Eleven/Jack Harkness (background Rory/Amy, Ianto/Jack)
Characters: Ten 2 (John Smith, Alt.Master, The Doctor (Eleven), Jack Harkness.  Cameos from Donna, Wilf, Amy, Rory, Gwen, Martha, Rose, alt. Ianto, Suzie Costello, Owen Harper & John Hart (phew)

Summary: The Doctor has found John and the Master and he and Jack want some answers.  Can they work together to save 'Pete's universe' and their own?

Warnings: potential non-con (of a time lord-y mind nature) in later part
A/N: Set partly in 'Pete's universe' where The Doctor left Rose and Ten2 (John Smith) at the end of Journey's End, this follows on from A Good Old Normal, Human Life (17K), Data Compression (3.5K) & Ianto's Dreams (300 words).  Also as usual the fic is filled with pictures, because they are fun!
Title taken from Robert Frost quote; "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life.  It goes on."

Read It Goes On

ianto jones, slash: jack harkness/the doctor, john hart, rose tyler, multiple pairings, the doctor, jack harkness, doctor who, crossover: dr who/torchwood, gwen cooper, martha jones, owen harper, slash

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