Title: Torchwood Goes Watercolor
Canaan Alexander Pairing: Jack/other if you squint
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1207
Warnings: crack!fic crossover
Notes: Complete and utter crack!fic. A series of drabbles, but I'm posting them all together so you don't have to hit "Next" eleven times. If you haven't met our non-BBC guest stars and want to, I found
all three of them in the same cartoon on YouTube. Beta'd by Weatherwax. Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, not even a little bit, and I'm not making any money, and I think I'm going to hell for this, anyway.
Summary: A strange being comes through the Cardiff rift. Stranger than usual, even. Torchwood/Looney Tunes crossover.
Torchwood Goes Watercolor