Title: Centurion
mirrankeiWarnings: Language because Owen somehow snuck in again, character death(?)
Spoilers: Pandorica Opens/Big Bang; s2 of TW
Summary: In 102 AD, the Pandorica opened, and an auton named Rory Williams began to wait. The cracks in the universe spread throughout time, erasing people, things, and events, leaving gaping holes in the lives of those in their wake. Rory waits, and Earth watches its starless sky.
Notes: This is sort of a strange post, because it is for part of a longer Doctor Who fanfic: only two of the chapters (and part of the epilogue) are Torchwood related. I'm only posting links to those chapters here, but there if you want to start
at the beginning, please do. The chapters should be able to stand alone, however, so if you don't care about Doctor Who and SJA, just stick with these!
2008 - Gwen Cooper 1941 - The Lone Centurion Epilogues