Title: Alibis
Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who
Pairings: Ianto/Jack, Ianto/11th Doctor
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, 11th Doctor
Rating: PG
Genre: Slash, Season 3 Alternative Universe
Summary: While in the park, Ianto meets someone that will change everything...
Author’s Notes: Ok I think the only note besides the fact that it's unbetareaded for now, it's that this story is set after Torchwood Season 2 and after Doctor Who Season 5. The Doctor has dropped off Rory and Amy and is now traveling alone. He decides to stay on Earth for a while and ends up meeting Ianto. The title comes from Marianas Trench's song "Alibies". Also, if you're a bit confused about the Doctor not recognizing Ianto, is because he only appears for like a second in "Journey's End" at the end of the episode, and because for the Doctor has been a long time.
Beta: no one for now
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, are owned by BBC and RTD.
Alibis - Chapter 1)