Title - Splintered Time
Author -
laurab1Rating - PG
Pairing - Jack/John
Length - drabble, 100 words
Challenge - 160, Random Titles for
tw100Summary - Broken Agency, broken man
Spoilers - 2.1 KKBB
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
Fight over, they’re drinking… ***
Title - The Husband’s Game
Author -
laurab1Rating - PG, fluff
Characters - Jack, Gwen, aliens
Length - drabble, 100 words
Challenge - 160, Random Titles for
tw100Summary - “Hide and seek? Across the bloody Rift, Jack?”
Spoilers - general series
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
She’s watching the little purple butterfly-like aliens kiss… ***
Torchwood art things
Camilla Power is getting the cartoon-y Pearl one at Hub 5, Eve Pearce is getting the Estelle/Jack (she TOTALLY knew ;) ) one at Hub 5 as well. Then there's a cover thing for
robling_t's Torchwood/Being Human crosssover. (And finally, there's a wallpaper for the BBC's fabulous Sherlock, in which text is used so brilliantly :)))) I tried to capture that in it.)
art things over here