Another Sunday

Aug 17, 2008 17:30

Title: Another Sunday
Author: torchwood_agent
Genre: Fluffy
Disclaimer: none of the charcters are mine except Sammy. The charcters belong to the BBC. The story idea is also mine =)
Summery: Jack has to brush his teeth one million times and rinse out with mouthwash one million times. But why?
Set: no particular episode
Spoilers: none
Warnings: If you don't like people snogging animals with open mouths do not read

Jack was trying to enjoy. No-one could say he wasn’t trying but it was just too hard. In the end he gently pushed Ianto off of him. Ianto looked confused and a little bit hurt.

“Ianto I’m sorry I just can’t do this”

“Why not?”

Jack looked at Ianto. He was actually embarrassed by the problem

“Well err....”

Ianto gestured for him to go on

“Your dog is watching”

Ianto turned round to the open doorway of the bedroom where indeed Ianto sweet Labrador puppy Sammy was sitting with her little tongue poked out of her mouth a little. Jack swore she had an all knowing smile on her face even though she was a puppy. After a few seconds of processing the information Ianto burst out laughing. Ianto was still laughing when Jack rolled Ianto off of him. Twenty minutes later Ianto’s laughter had subsided. Jack looked up from the book he was reading


Ianto chuckled a little more then nodded. He walked over to Sammy and picked her up in his arms and brought her over to the bed. Jack glared at Sammy but she just looked back at him then licked his face.

“you know I still regret Tosh buying you that flea bag”

Jack said wiping dog saliva off his face. Ianto stroked his finger through her fur.

“Aw come on you love her really”

“No. No I don’t”

Ianto sighed and rolled his eyes. He kissed Sammy's fur and got off the bed to take her to her basket downstairs. Ianto felt really bad leaving her alone just sop he could have sex. She was only 8 months old. He had a job of putting her to bed as she kept jumping out and following him. He had a feeling this was like lady and the tramp. He put her back in the basket ,trying to ignore the adorable puppy eyes, and tucked a blanket around her. He kissed her soft floppy ears and went back upstairs a little upset she didn’t follow.

When he got back Jack was in bed waiting impatiently

“What took you so long?”

“Puppy eyes are hard to resist you know”

Ianto glared at the older man. Seeing his glare Jack's voice softened

“Where were we?”

Ianto rolled his eyes but he was smiling. He climbed onto the bed and rolled onto Jack. In between kisses Ianto whispered

“I think”.

It was the next morning and Ianto opened his eyes to find it one of those rare occasions where Jack actually slept. Ianto's eyes brightened and a evil and mischievous grin on his face and climbed out of bed to down stairs.

Jack's dream was very vivid. Ianto was all over him again like he was last night.

“I love you”

Jack whispered into Ianto's skin. Ianto grinned and placed butterfly kisses down Jack's jaw line. When Ianto got to Jacks mouth Ianto started licking Jacks lips. By this time Jack was very turned on. Much to his disappointment Jack woke up with a frustrated groan. He could still feel the licking. With his eyes still closed ,thinking it was Ianto, Jack started licking the tongue that had made its way into his mouth.

After 35 seconds Jack opened his eyes to look at Ianto and was in fact eye to eye with Sammy. Jack sat up and started spitting everywhere. Sammy , who was being held up by Ianto, just barked adorably and started wagging her tail. She was soon put down on the bed as Ianto was laughing hysterically. Jack glared at Ianto and went into the bathroom to start the one of one million teeth brushing and mouth washing.

Just another typical Sunday.

jack/ianto, fic, torchwood, humour, fanfiction, fluff

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