Editor's Note: If your item was not linked, it's because the header lacked the information that we like to give our readers. Please at least give the title, rating, and pairing or characters, and please include the header in the storypost itself, not just in the linking post. Spoiler warnings are also greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Off-LJ News:
Digital Journal:
John Barrowman To Appear At Wizard World Comic Con St. Louis, Cleveland Fanfiction:
Double Drabble: New Year’s Eve Plans by
badly_knitted [Gwen, Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh | G]
Drabble: New Year, 2008 by
unfeathered [Jack/Ianto | R]
Life's tough at the top by
m_findlow [Jack, Ianto, OCs | PG]
Vengeance (9/64) &
(10/64) by
milady_dragon [Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton, Arthur Pendragon/Merlin, Eleventh Doctor/River Song, Rowena Harkness-Jones/Henry Morgan, Owen Harper/Suzie Costello/Diane Holmes, Others | TW/DW/MCU/Merlin/Forever | PG-13]
If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us in the comments with further information and your link.