So, in a few hours its my birthday....ha

May 29, 2006 22:17

Um, 25 means cheap car insurance, lol. As for the rest of it...I'm just old...whats new? Not alot, still going to school for Business Management and Accounting! I have until next November to figure out if Law school is in the future or having a kid. Tough choice I tell you. Starbucks rocks my world since I got a cash award the check right before my bday! My brother Justin is currently in Porter County JAIL...LOL. Nice, right? Since I get to bail his Drunk Driving Ass out of jail on my birthday! But, I'm just going to rub it in his face since Ma and Pop won't bail him. I tell you where in the hell are kids brains these days???!? Too Ignorant, Too Arrogant, Too Selfish. And such a disappointment. Especially, when you know they have potential but lack the damn motivation to create change to make life better for themselves...grr. Anywho, is good. Until laters.
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