Wh-what? / Working Relationship

Feb 19, 2010 19:23

We got new acting assigments in class today.
I'm Hedda fucking Gabler.

Which is awesome and kind of an honor (especially since I'm the only one playing her. All other female parts are being played by two girls, except for one) and it's going to be a challenge but...

Dear holy fuck Randy, why me? Is it because I went crazy in my monologue? Because you want to see me play a more controlled character this time? Because of that conversation we had about Hedda Gabler and red hair? WHAT?

This role is, like, one of the BIG HUGE roles that an actress can do (Wiki says many consider it [in quotes] 'the female Hamlet'). Sure, I'm not doing it in a real performance but to have a teacher look at you and go "I want you to tackle this" is like "Wow. Putting a lot of faith in me. Lots and lots of faith."

Also, all the other scenes are a guy and two girls. Like, he has to do a scene with one, and then the exact same scene again with the other. Save one guy who is doing two characters from teh same play with two different girls. And the one scene that is just one person for each character. I'm the only girl who was given two men. We're the only threesome with a big cohesive scene instead of a repeat. Apparently, my teacher thinks I need more menfolk.

I'll do my best. To not throw myself into this is dumb, dumb, dumb. It's just...wow. Uh...thanks, Randy. I'll make you proud.


On a lighter, dirtier note, my supervisor and I ended the day by laughing about felching.

Me: Also, I can't do it so it'll always be alien to me. It's something only you guys can do.
Him: But I don't want it.
Me: You still have it.
Him: It'd be like a crap milkshake. Why'd we have to get that?

It's so nice to have a boss I can joke about these things with.

work, the glamorous life, let's talk about sex, too much pressure

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