Hello, hello, hello! Have you all missed me? You are getting a lot today because my classes for the past two days have not been very stimulating, or at least not stimulating enough to keep me from doodling. And I did some people's psych experiments which got me debriefing forms which are very good to draw doodles on the back of. The sad part I am not kidding.
In fact, I have too many Torch-sticks for one post! So, there are probably going to be two today! So, to start out there is a bunddle of goodies underneath this cut for you. So, I would sugjest that you click on the cut and go see!
Have fun!
Since everyone liked Ianto!cat so much, I took it a step further!
And in pure Ianto fashion, there was revenge!
Tom Baker is my favorite Doctor so he gets to have a camio... and die...
Ok, if you haven't seen the DVD extras, sorry about this, but I found it amsuing! hehe!
You know this one is soooooo true
Hope you enjoyed!!!