
Sep 13, 2009 16:28

Hey all, sorry it took me so long to post this. But DragonCon was great. I went to two of Gareth's panels and met one of you lovely people there. *waves*

I did not end up giving Gareth a torch-stick because, as I said on my journal:

"Ended up not giving him a torch-stick because the one I brought was the one making fun of the death scene and how Jack doesn't say "I love you" back to Ianto. Why not? Well, because we learned in the panel that in the original draft of that scene Jack did say 'I love you too' back but Gareth did not like the writing. He thought it was better without the I love you too because then it showed more of how Ianto's death was pointless and sad. *pouts* So yeah, I couldn't give it to him then!"

Just so you all know what went down. If you care to hear any more, let me know and the Torch-sticks will be back soon!

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