Geek joke time! Check it out. Irregular Webcomic is actually one of the most regular out there. Except for a bout of server/script trouble once or twice, I don't think it's ever missed an update. And it's not just science jokes. The above-linked strip is from the "Scientific Revolution" storyline, but other story lines are a Mythbusters parody, a James Bond spoof, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sci-Fi, D&D, Death (the personifications thereof), Martians, the Nigerian Finance Minister (and his doomed attempts to raise money for the country), Imperial Rome, Shakespeare, Super Heroes, and a few others. And most of them are staged with LEGO minifigs. (The D&D one uses miniatures.)
Also, he and a few others have a comic called "Darths & Droids" which uses screenshots from the Star Wars movies (so far Phantom Menace and they're currently on AotC) to reimagine it as a RPG session where the Star Wars universe is solely the GM's invention. There are some significant changes to plotline, characterization, etc. For example, Jar-Jar is explained as being played by one gamer's little sister whom he's stuck baby-sitting.