A lot has been said about the evils of the so called “prosperity gospel”, in
jesusfreaks ”jesusfreaks” and there are those pastors after the money for sure in some cases, but Christian prosperity in itself is biblical quite frankly.
Just read
Deuteronomy 30We might be the poorest mice, but actually as Christians we are still very prosperous in that we ALL have provision
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but been more specific. I was very tired when I typed that reply, but I wanted to say something, because I think the G of P issue is very important.
It's your opening with the "so called 'gospel of prosperity' " that made me reply.
It is a real trend, an identifiable group of concepts spreading through Christianity today, and large chunks of it are increasingly distorted and very harmful.
It's easy to look at it and consider the many ways it can negatively impact souls of various kinds.
In your post, you are focusing on the giving aspect, the tithing. (True, many people criticize the G of P because they just plain don't want to give, lol.)
But yes, Christ tells us repeatedly that we MUST give of ourselves! Tithing is bigger than the G of P, it's one of the basic tenets of Christianity.
The difference is, in the G of P theology, you give of yourself that you may receive. And increasingly, the expectation is that you will receive in a material way.
THAT is the important difference.
Christ never says, "for my yoke is easy, and you will get rich and your kids will enjoy good health and make the honour roll", lol...
There is really no defense of such a distorted theology.
We must guard against it, and refute it lovingly.
It not easy, and we will be persecuted, but we will be rich in Him in every way. This, of course does not necessarily mean "rich" as the world defines it, but rather in our quality of life in Him. Despite the hardships and persecution, the rejection etc, we are filled with joy - that is what I mean when I say we are rich.
I believe the Lord sometimes provides physical riches to those who know Him yet do not place any importance or value on those riches, more to empower them to make a bigger impact on others around them.
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