(no subject)

Jul 12, 2007 00:13

My father's planning on moving out and I wish he'd just hurry up and get the hell out of my life for a while because all he's doing here is causing me hell. I got fucking bitched at because OH MY GOD I didn't get in until almost 5am and didn't get up until mom got home. And when I was trying to fucking explain to him that I got home late because I had to ride with Miser drives like a GODDAMN OLD WOMAN and just forgot to make sure my fucking alarm was on, he's all like "I don't want to hear it," takes the key to the truck from me and says that I can go look for a job in the fucking Camery that has no fucking AC in it.

From what he sees, I'm just some lazy ass that doesn't really want a fucking job because OMG I'm not getting up every goddamn morning at 7 or 8 and applying at every fucking thing around. God forbid I want something that's not a shit job, that's going to pay 7 or 8 an hour, and that I don't have to fucking work at for 5 years just to get the money I need to live on my own. All the jobs that are out there that pay worth a damn are asking for people to either apply online, email or mail via postal service a resume, or fax a damn resume. The only places that are asking for you to apply in person are the shit jobs that apparently NO ONE wants. He obviously fucking fails to understand that and so I'm getting shit for it.

The more he pulls this shit the more I fucking hate him. I refuse to fucking talk to him now. The asshole needs to just fuck off and leave me the hell alone. Honestly, if he thinks for one fucking second that 'Oh if I take the truck away from her, she'll get up off her ass and actually do something' is any kind of motivation for me to start doing things his way... he's a fucking moron. I'm going to do things the way I know how and enjoy what LITTLE bit of happiness I get from being with friends, whether online or in person. I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit. Once I DO get a job, I'm fucking out of here if he's not gone first.

And I swear to fucking GOD if Hunter fucking starts bugging me about how I owe him 10 goddamn dollars for gas, I'm going to fucking KILL him. I doubt he'll go as far as Randy and call me every week or so about it but if I see him and says something about it to me, I'm going to fucking deck him.


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