I said I'll post more

Nov 18, 2008 13:58

And so I shall. But just useless stuff right now. :P

I has the Sonic Unleashed opening scene. 'Cuz I'm just that much of a dork ^^

Online quizzes!

Squee! I'm Vivi! ^_^

You are RENO. Yeah, admit it, you're a smart-ass.

bwaaaaahaha! >D

Cloud & Sephiroth: Okay, at first, this relationship is completely nonconsensual. That is, until the one that wants some doesn't give a rat's ass about your feelings and binds and gags you. You start to see his way as he helps to give you release and then you are his willing sex slave...at least, for the night, any way.
(wow, only 9% of the people who took this quiz got this result...)

FIRE!!!! >D

I am THIS Sonic the Hedgehog character:

just click the "back" button and take the quiz again... jackass.


(Amy is at the bottom of the list! Yay! Wait.... Cream ought to be.....)

Last one, I swear XD

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

W007! I R r3d!!!1!  XD
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