Dear Yuletide Person,
Thank you so much for writing me a story! Please don't feel stressed, as long as you enjoy writing whatever you write then I'm sure I'll love reading it.
Things I like in fic: first times, happy endings, angst with happy endings, schmoop with happy endings (are you sensing a pattern?), obliviousness, pining, slow reveals and friendship.
Things I don't like in fic: unhappy endings, death and non-con. I also don't like humiliation or and I have an embarrassment squick a mile wide.
I'm fine with porn or no porn, whatever you're more comfortable with. I'd like slash but I'd be happy with gen.
Fandom Specific Thoughts:
Smoke Series - Tanya Huff (Lee Nicholas; Tony Foster)
Really I'd love anything, but especially something post book 3 when they're an established couple. Lee coming out would be particularly great or Tony introducing Lee to Vicki and Mike.
In The Flesh (TV) (Kieren Walker; Rick Macy)
I'd love anything at all about Kieren and Rick's friendship/moreship from the time before they died.
The Turn Of The Story - Sarah Rees Brennan (Elliot Schafer; Luke Sunborn)
Elliot and Luke's horribly awkward friendship/courtship is a thing of beauty and joy and I would love to hear more about it.
Whatever you end up writing, thank you!
Tora x
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