Fic: The New Year Is Right In Front of Us

Dec 26, 2013 17:02

Hi, everyone! Merry Boxing Day <3

My Feelstide fic went live yesterday, which I couldn't announce then because we have a No Computer policy on Christmas Day.

The New Year Is Right In Front Of Us
Length: 18,484 words
Rating: NC-17
Relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (background Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts)
Summary: Written for Feelstide 2013 for the prompt "High School AU: Clint is kind of a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas, Phil does his best to try and make it something special and magical for him any way that he can."

This entry was also posted here on Dreamwidth where there are
comments. Feel free to comment on either entry.

clint/coulson, nc-17, high school au, fic, avengers

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