Fic: Without A Net Upon The Wire (C/C)

Oct 26, 2013 16:51

Guys, guys, I finally posted my first Marvel big bang! (Big bang #2, which has nothing to do with this one, is coming in 2 weeks.) This is the fic formerly known as Homeless Clint:
Title: Without A Net Upon The Wire (link fixed)

Pairing: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson

Rating: NC-17

Length: 42k words

Content notes: Clint is 17, Phil is 26 (it takes them a very, very long time to hook up).

A/N - check out sperrywink's mix (link in the AO3 post)!

Summary: Since he was abandoned by his brother and then the circus, Clint Barton has resigned himself to making his own way in the world. So when he ends up living on the streets of New York in the middle of winter, he’s not expecting to be taken in by injured army veteran, Phil Coulson, or accidentally involved in an escalating war against the Russian mafia.

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clint/coulson, nc-17, fic, marvel_bang, avengers

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