if I could wish upon a star, I woud hitch a cable-car

Dec 31, 2011 19:38

This is mostly for my own record, since I like to know these kind of things (and can't do the fic meme until after Yuletide reveals tomorrow):

Films Watched in 2011:

I can't believe I only went to the cinema 18 times - that's only one film every three weeks, not good for me considering my cinema addiction.

King's Speech (x2) (5*)
Green Hornet (2*)
Tangled (4.5*)
The Eagle (4* - at least 2 extra stars for epic slashiness)
The Adjustment Bureau (4*)
Rio (4*)
Fast and Furious 5 (3.5*)
X-Men: First Class (4.5*)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 (x2) (4*)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (SEVENTEEN THOUSAND STARS)
30 Minutes or Less (2.5* - 1 extra stars for Jesse's face)
Warrior (3*)
In Time (3*)
My Week With Marilyn (4*)
Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (4*)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (4.5* - 1 extra star for Jeremy Renner's awesomeness))

2011 films watched not in a cinema (that I can remember, anyway):

Thor (3.5*)
Captain America (4*)
Crazy, Stupid Love (3.5* - 1 extra star for Emma)
Friends with Benefits (3.5*)

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was easily the best film of the year for me, but Ghost Protocol (which I saw yesterday) was SO MUCH FUN (and Jeremy Renner is SO DAMN HOT) that I would recommend anyone who's wavering on the fence to go and see it right now.

Happy New Year's Eve! See you in 2012.

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movies, meme

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