Though I really wanted to play FF7... its like RPG home <3

Feb 07, 2004 23:04

Had a couple midterms on Thurdsday. Got a couple reports back this week. 7/10 for Law and 8/10 for Management. Pretty good. Could be better for Law... but oh well, I'm still happy :}. Then I had work, after which I went to Matt's and we watched Jackie Brown. I didn't like it as much as Tarantino's other movies, but it was okay. I still dislike the soundtrack :boo
The next day me and Matt slept in and hung out in the morning, I drove him to school, came back to his hosue, had some lunch, went out and got groceries for him and for my house too. Went to pick him up, but was early so I parked down below and went to the bookstore and then walked up. So meanwhile I waited in the lobby and he went out the side door... so we missed each other, and both ended up waiting for 20 minutes... haha... oh well :D
We went back to his place and he told me a greek mythology story, and then we played some Trivial Pursuit with Jordan, who probably would have won but he ran off to some performance. Me and Matt made some peas, carrots, and curly fries for dinner. It was goooood. *drools*
It was nice to have an Angela-ish meal there :P (By which I mean something carb heavy and not so healthy with peas :D)
After which we watched Star Wars, chatted for a good while, and caught some Zeds.
This morning he went off to work early like usual, only while usually I conk out after hes' gone I couldn't get back to sleep very well =/
I woke up feeling like absolute crap, and continued to feel like absolute crap through my 8 hour shift, and I still feel like absolute crap! Whee! -_-
I got an extra shift on monday too, but at least its not like the last ones, its only from 12 to 4... not 9:30 to 6.
Due to my general crappiness I decided to play some videogames, so back to Xenogears I go :>

Edit: I deleted 103 wallpapers, leaving my collection at 146.
I want new ones. :D
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