Work week #2 done, Gen Con coming up!

Jul 31, 2010 16:41

 I survived the work week!

Thursday I crashed Kyle's little shindig and ate steak and such and watched a movie.  It was a good night after a typical work day and though I was a big dirty and such still when I came over.  Oh, well.
Friday was ... a better day at work, though we hardly accomplished much.  The day ended and thus the second week of work was complete.

After work I stopped into the Nextel shop in town and talked about replacing my phone.
My phone has been slowly dying... internally I get issues with it turning off on me while in operation (closing the lid sometimes makes it reboot or turn off, for instance) while externally the antenna mount has broken and so the antenna falls out in my pocket.

I went into the Sprint store at the Lakes Mall and though they were great when I tried out the Samsung Incognito, when I went in to speak to them about trying a new phone and staying with Sprint... they weren't so helpful.  They had me interested in the Motorola Brutus, but at $129 for a flip-phone (military-grade, mind you), I was a bit apprehensive about the cost, so I left to think it over.
But my phone broke a bit more and the antenna wouldn't even click in anymore, so it was time to do something drastic (so I thought.)
So I stopped into the Nextel store in town and talked to the woman there and discussed getting the Brutus... but I also inquired about any other Nextel smart phones.  Well, it turns out there is a phone called the Motorola i1 and the plan will be $80/month with taxes... but with unlimited data, direct connect, mobile to mobile... and it's a rugged phone.  Yeah, it's not as cool as other smart phones out there, but I keep Nextel, my 2-direct-connect and Android 1.5 at least. Unfortunately it doesn't come in until the Monday I get back from Gen Con.
While we were discussing all of this we found out I do have the insurance on my phone, so the physical repairs were "free" anyways.  But with the whole "turning off when I'm using it" and "incompatible recharger" thing happening when I plug it in at times... it's time to upgrade.

Also, I will be bringing a poster for Winter Haven to Gen Con to be put in Scotty's in Indianapolis. Getting this file to Ver Duin's to get printed by the end of the day on Monday was a bit tricky, but I got it to them.  $35 I'll have 24"x36" laminated poster.  There's some changes I'd like to make, but the time to submit the file passed, so I'll live with what I've got now.

Today I began initial preparations for Gen Con.  All of my packing needs to be done by tomorrow night, so all clothes, toiletries, additional creature comforts and the likes have to be ready to go because my current plan is to leave work at 4:30pm, be back home by 5pm... and on the road by 5:30 for the 4-5 hour drive as I'd really like to get there by 11pm at the latest.  Some of the Gen Con staff is already there, so maybe I can find some of them for a late dinner.  Otherwise I'm sure I can find someone on Tuesday, or at least enjoy the internet. :)
.. so, yeah.. 49 hours from now, I'm on my way to Gen Con.  Maybe I'll get some drawing done, maybe I'll just suck up Wi-Fi again.  Either way, I'll be glad and sad it's over when the 7 days wrap up so quickly.

gen con, nextel, work, i1, cell phone, winter haven

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