(no subject)

Jul 21, 2010 20:21

Ba-jeezus! What a day.  It started out pretty decently... woke up, picked up Matt, Tim and Pat and headed to work.
A Finishing up the job from yesterday, our boss mentioned "That projector looks pretty close to the screen..." Well, it turns out that when he showed us how he measured from the wall behind the screen and then out to the projector's location, and we missed the "add the distance from the screen to the wall" ... so our 120" distance was now under 100" .... and 120 is the minimum distance.  FRACK! So we had to go back through 3 rooms and move the systems back one ceiling tile... which at least meant that we didn't need to cut another hole in the ceiling tile, but the security lines (drilled into the concrete ceiling, with lag bolts and brackets and wires) had to be redone, and the mounting system (that extends from one side of the ceiling tile to the other so that it rests on the hanging ceiling frame) had to be un-screwed and re-secured in the new location, blah blah blah... oh, yeah, and the new location meant that it was ALWAYS between two ceiling lights, so we had to stretch long-ways over it.. on an 8-foot ladder.  Did I mention that there were often pipes and other obstructions that made moving the tile over more difficult?
.... Oh, yeah, and we had to raise all of the screens one inch until they were flush with the ceiling tiles.  
.... and 90 degrees in dead-air rooms (and hotter above in the cramped ceilings too.)

We almost stayed extra time, but by the time 4:30 rolled around, we were exhausted and decided to just call it quits for the day.
As for our progress? As a group of 4, they'd like 3 to 4 rooms a day.  Yesterday we completed 3.  Today?... 2.  However, part of that was because of the time Tim and I spent going back and correcting the mistakes, part of it was because Pat had to leave to take care of family, and the other part is because the wires for the speakers arrived and so now wiring them up along with their installation is part of the job.  Over the next few days there will be other tasks that eat into our time (the wiring cables that connect the audio/video groups together, the smart-boards, and installation and hooking-up of the control cupboards.)

Of course, returning home I immediately took a shower and my feet were swollen and I even have a water blister! Fantastic. *grrr*

Tomorrow we begin again... with a better idea of what we're doing, and having corrected our failures, hopefully we can "complete" 4 rooms (as far to complete as we can) and prove ourselves to be even better...l just hope our bodies can keep up!

I haven't gone back to work on the used-computer project in too many weeks... and I feel absolutely terrible about it too.  It's just been so hot and muggy (and with swollen feet and such) I haven't wanted to go spend 10 hours in a closed airless building.  But I know I should, and really, I must go back. Maybe this weekend... *sighs*

Also..., I have artwork I need to finish... but my mojo is ... almost nil at the moment.

Maybe as the job continues, or as I sit at GenCon, I'll get that mojo back.

... crap, I forgot to call UIA today.  *sigh*
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