Weekend Update

Aug 29, 2009 23:51

Time for a update
Work, huh? Well, I'm glad this work week is over.
I'm not quite sure why, but there's been some weird stress at work, and I'm not sure where it's coming from. I mean, my screwing up of a copier job and running out of stock on the 3rd time going through it wasn't the real cause, but my manager is feeling some stress and I think it's messing up the mojo of the shop. My GM's uncle died, we have a new "Production Manager/Print Manager", next week we'll have a "Promotions Manager" (who is an old Production Manager who is moving back into town), and we have a new Sales Rep who's been more active, but I haven't seen any solid sales come through yet (but that could be because I haven't done any artwork for her yet.)

Soooo, I took my car in to have the breaks checked out.
Well... I called City Auto Body (who's worked on my car a few times before) and they said they might be able to sneak it in early in the morning. I drove the car over and they dropped me off at work. Well, they didn't get to it in the morning, or the afternoon, so I had Matt pick me up and take me home.
They called back later... they said that pinch valves weren't closed when compressing the calipers and "dirty fluid" had gone back into the system and possibly an air-bubble. Also, that the slides weren't lubed and so it had to be dis-assembled and re-assembled... so about $135 in work hours and break fluid. *sighs* Well, my brother says some of it sounds funky, but... I mean obviously we did SOMETHING to the system if it doesn't work. So I'm paying them the $ to fix it, but I want them to show me what went wrong... if they claim we "took apart" something that we didn't, I'll bring up my issues with them. But they've been good to me in the past.

Friday I drove up to Muskegon (using my mom's car) and played Rock Band (1, not 2) with Taki, Matt, Phil, Kyle and Tim. 
Kyle had brought over the original Rock Band for Phil and we played that.  We re-created our band and played for several hours.  My voice felt oddly tight and I was having a lot of control problems... I found myself only achieving in the 80%s more often than the 90%s in Expert, and I contribute that to A) new songs, B) voice control, and C) Rock Band 1 is harder than Rock Band 2 (which I think was the consensus from all of us, but then again, at Gen Con I didn't do as well on their Rock Band 2 as I do at Phil's, so I wonder if some of our settings at Phil's somehow makes it easier for me?)  We played until 2am and then I headed home.  I stayed up until 5am and crashed.

Saturday I woke up at 3pm with my typical "Saturday headache" that I get from fucking up my sleep schedule.  I took a nap from 4pm until 10pm and was feeling better.

Nothing.  A few scribbles or sketches, but nothing.  My muse has left me... and it's been months.. almost a year since I really felt inspired or able to really draw.  I feel like I'm losing

Points of Interest (for me)
There is a commercial for "Chase Sapphire Card awards program" where a guy is talking to his (presumed) wife and suggests, "Hey, why don't we get out of here, take a vacation with our awards..." and she tries to say "we can't." He tries to refute her claims by saying that they're usable for all sorts of things... when in the end, it turns out she's already used the awards to buy a dress for herself. When she "reveals" that the dress she is wearing is the results of "their" points, he just smiles.

Now, either his wife's happiness is so important to him, or he's going to kill her after the screen goes black because he suggested they do something together with their points, and she's decided to use "their" points on something just for her. I can't help but yell out "YOU BITCH!" each time I see this commercial.

Then again, maybe she spends all of the money on the card, so she feels she "earned" the awards themselves, but maybe it's my chauvinistic side that's suggesting he's the one making the money and she's just spending it all and he's just a beaten man. Oh, well.. it's just a commercial, right?

Anyways, I guess that's about it for now.

I wish I was someone.

update, weekend, rock band 2, friday, saturday, rock band, chase sapphire, work, artwork

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