The week is OVER! I delcare it. Get it outta here!

Jun 13, 2009 00:53

This was a day for a Second Friday... but by the time I got out, it was all but over anyways.

This week has been hella-stressful.
We've had rush-job after rush-job this week, and each one was a fast and easy job in concept, but execution wound up taking MUCH longer than anticipated.  A job who's PDF was provided turned out that the file needed modifying to be printable, or the machine needed servicing  and now the colors don't match the customer's proofs.  On top of that there was just constant interuptions and our Project Coordinator does not handle stress well... and she loves to micro-manage me too.  But I can't work any faster than I can, and like I mentioned in my last post, my boss understands that I'm working at a good rate, and we just have to figure some things out as to how the schedules work.  But now the stress is over and I can try to relax...

I've got no real plans for the weekend.  There's a chance of something happening in the later PM of Saturday, but not much else.
I'd like to draw, or work-out, or somehow end the week feeling like I've accomplished something, because I don't feel like I accomplished anything other than having worked 17 hours in the last 2 days this week. *sighs*

Anyways... yeah.  Just sorta venting.  meh.

On a side note, my arms are starting to peel from the sunburn I got... on Memorial Day... almost 2 weeks ago. WTF?!  3 days after? Maybe.. but... 10 days later?  Weird.
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