June 3rd Update

Jun 03, 2009 12:54

The past week has been a good week. I got in touch with rantingmule  at Starbuck's earlier in the week and we spent some hours drawing and chatting before he had to head off to do other more important things. Oh, well. It was fun to sit and draw and chat with someone again. I'm trying to get back into drawing weres again--Drawing werewolves was kinda where I started back in the early to mid 90's, and trying to get more into that "fearsome" appearance and away from the "human-like" or "gentle" look is proving more difficult than I'd suspected it would be.

Our Werewolf: the Apocalypse game ended with a bit of a pre-climax with one character (Cliath) telling off a triabal leader at a moot and being challenged for the remarks, while a semi-impromptu White Wolf "Mortals" game of military agents had a decent couple of hours itself (It'll be interesting if we play again.)  Shadowrun had a few hic-ups as Travis and I couldn't find our characters and wound up playing new characters (Travis' was a bit more thought-out while I was just sort of playing a disposable template.)  It's kinda nice playing a character that I didn't even bother to make up a back-story for... he's simply disposable.

We went and saw "Up" as well. I gotta say, it was a MUCH HEAVIER movie than I was expecting.  I saw the trailers and thought to myself: "Hmm.  An old guy who appears to be a cranky old man, but who decides to go on some sort of crazy adventure and winds up with this kid as they pal around on their adventure together." ... but.. wow.  Seriously, the sort of "end of life, promises unfulfilled, and questioning 'what have you done with your life?'" sort of movie.  I'd still have gone and seen it, but it wasn't what I was expecting.  Even though it had an "uplifting" ending, it was a really sad and emotional movie for me.

Yesterday I took my mom to dinner at Stan's Cafe.  She enjoyed her Lake Perch and I tried the Itallian Sausage (It was okay, but I think it was missing something... cheese?)  I've had the Fish Sandwich and the Philly Cheesesteak there so far, and it's all been pretty decent.  I wish them much luck.

This week looks like a quiet one for me--no plans, no games or anything.  I have housework I need to do, but otherwise nothing is scheduled.

movie, werewolves, w:ta, rantingmule, world of darkness, gaming, white wolf, up, pixar, shadowrun

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