Happy Earth Day, folks.
This week has been about finishing up the costuming for Winter Haven. Last fall I suggested a method for making some of the costumes and when it came down to actually producing them, the energy in the group had pretty much waned. Between folks wanting out and losing the mojo, along with other family/personal issues the energy in general was pretty lack-luster. So, over the last few weeks Matt and I have been putting them together. There are two methods that I think will work well... one I think is more durrable, but will be less easy to repair (without some creative thinking) and the other may wear a bit worse, but may be easier to repair. The cost was a bit more than I was expecting because we bought larger quantities of things, but I'm going to foot most of that myself as my good-bye to the game.
I've decided to completely step down from Winter Haven for a couple of reasons, ranging from my general dis-interest in LARPing, the costs of going to events, and particular individuals that I just don't want to associate myself with anymore and as long as I was involved in the group I had to put up with it. There's also the stress of hearing conversations about LARP as if I was sitting in a CIA meeting hearing briefings about enemies of the state. I don't dare think that I won't be surrounded by it after I leave, but I'm hoping that without any sort of vested interest I can not be so stressed about it. I'll still do printing that's requested and maybe updates the web site as they're asked, or whatnot, but I won't be on the "inside" as I was.
This weekend is their first event of the season for
Winter Haven. There's a couple of interesting points that could make the event memorable for a few reasons. 1) They're sharing the camp with another LARP and with a Native American spiritual group. 2) Some of the game staff won't be there, and others will be coming and going due to jobs and the likes. 3) There's potential for 20+ NEW players arriving. 4) Some players/characters may not be attending due to past events happenings. (add 3 and 4 together and it's hard to tell who's gonna be there and what sorts of plots to inticipate) So, good luck to the Winter Haven staff and have yourselves one heck of a time. :D I hope you enjoy the costumes.
This weekend is
FCN for me. I'll be leaving work at Noon on Thursday and hopefully arriving before 4pm.
The folks I normally hang out with won't nessecarily be there, and I really don't know much of anyone either, so hopefully I find some people I feel comfortable around. Otherwise I'll just be hiding away most of the convention, feeling sorry for myself or some crap.
Oh, well. Happy Earth Day anyways.