Early April Update

Apr 01, 2009 22:02

Hi there, Internet.

Work's been.. getting better.  We made it through the early months of the year and so hopefully more hours will be coming my way. :D
In addition, conflicts I've been having with our production coordinator are getting better after it all came to a head about 2 or so weeks ago and Mike finally helped organize us.  While there's still some issues with her not quite understanding exactly why I can't do 3 things at once, load machines with paper, keep an eye on their quality control AND do the jobs customers want on-the-spot without giving up some sort of quality, things are going weller.  It doesn't help either that she's a couple months pregnant and dealing with additional emotional issues.  Oh, well.  It's getting "better" and that's what's important.

Gaming has been getting... interesting.  Shadow-Run is on life-support.  Werewolf is still fun, but again as much fun to talk about as it is to play... but with the delays in playing are making the love for the game wane a bit.  On Sunday I was informed that we were going to be gaming Shadow-Run on Tuesday.  It was a bit short notice, but not too bad.  On Tuesday I canceled going to my boss's birthday party, picked up cupcakes and got ready... to be told a half-hour before the game was on that it was canceled by the people who wanted it played.  Hrm.  It was disapointing, but I've gotten used to this over time and so I and my co-workers ate delicious cupcakes today. :9  I dunno when we'll game again, but I'm starting to peer into other local gaming groups.  Our new sales person (erm, "Advertising Consultant") is a gamer and ex-owner of a Whitehall gaming shop called Epic Hobies and Games.  He's from Grand Haven and is already a part of about 6 gaming groups locally, so I may look into that (as asking him to join ours was not met very happily, but then again he hardly knows me, let alone Matt and crew.)

Art-wise, not much lately.  My Muse has lef the building again.  Oh, well.  FCN is near the end of the month, so hopefully I'll be able to produce some artwork there.

I've pulled my bike down from the garage rack and getting it ready to ride.  I have an intent to begin riding to work.  I used to ride the quarter-mile to work with ease, and the 2-mile ride to work shouldn't be so bad, but there's this weird psychological barrier: There is the 1/2 mile stretch of road.. and another 1/2 mile before the next cross road... then another half-mile before you begin to hit the "city".  Most of this is all a bike-path/sidewalk blacktop that the township has provided, but it's always been a psychological barrier for me to ride my bike.  It was never a problem to hop on my bike in the city... but it just seems like when I get on my bike, I get so tired just getting to the end of my road when there's nothing but trees and scattered houses, even though it's smooth riding.  I need to get past that.  Once I do, and I figure out a good way of changing clothes when I get to and leave from work, I can get my hour of cardio from two 30 minute bike-rides each day (at least on days not raining.)

I'm hoping tomorrow will be even better.  Hopefully tomorrow won't be full of "this goes in front of the rest of the pile of things that need to be done."  Heh.  Oh, well.  After work the current plan is to work on Winter Haven costume stuff.  We'll see how that goes, but I may ditch work early to get to it sooner.

fcn, werewolf, work, gaming, biking, shadowrun

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