Midwest Fur Fest... and the conundrum

Nov 20, 2008 09:13

MFF is this weekend... and of course there's a blizzard that's supposed to start this afternoon and run until tomorrow... down the entire West coast of Michigan and into Chicago.

So my plan (as of 1:30pm EST, Thursday) is to leave work at 3pm and hit the road by 4.  Darkefur is already in Indiana and he says that from Kzoo to Indy it's been snowing pretty good already.  I figure if I miss the rush hours and take my time, I should be able to make it there by 8pm or so their time (It's only supposed to be a 3.5 hour drive, but take an hour away for timezone change and add an hour or so for weather...)

I saw my budget councelor today. I'm doing well, and the money I put away for vacations covers my hotel room and I have money for food and clothing too.  So, that means I can cover myself with my budget and pad things with any commissions I might take there.

Anyways... gotta get back to the grind so that I can get ready to go.  I hope you all have a great weekend.  Catch you Monday or so!

driving, weather, midwest fur fest, mff, budget

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