Just a Friday Afternoon Update

Aug 22, 2008 09:35

 Not much to report of the last few days.  Work has been incredibly busy... and while not much was waiting for me when I got back, it all seemed to roll in on Monday and thereafter.

I went and saw Tropic Thunder last night (Rated "R" for A LOT of profanity).  A pretty funny movie, especially when you keep in mind that it's a farce of the movie industry.  From the "actors" to the music, it's all cliche of a big-budget star-cast vietnam movie.
(If you see it, be aware that the previews and commercials starting with the "Booty Sweat" commercial  are a set-up for the film to introduce you to the characters... from the "Rapper gone Hollywood", to the "Commedian who's known for his lowbrow  comedies" to "The waning action star who's tried going 'dramatic' only to land back in his old franchise role again" to "the method actor who tries to get so deep into his character, he seems to forget who he really is".)
By the way... Tom Cruise is in this movie... and for his part alone, it's worth seeing.
Oh... and "Satan's Alley" may be the closest we get to "Spiderman & Iron Man" that we get for a while. ;)
(You can also try to CATCH IT HERE while it's still on YouTube)

Other than that.. nothing much else to report.

So.. just to fill space:

Here are the 2 minutes of "A Family that Slays Together" from Pt. 1 of the Venture Bros. Season Finale from last week that was cut due to time issues...    

Duke and his Car

venture bros., tropic thunder

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