Second update from Gencon, Thursday morning

Aug 14, 2008 09:36

Tuesday night, after our staff meeting, Exhibitor Service folks headed to Hard Rock Cafe, where I picked up the 3-piece limited edtion (300 of each) and the single limited editon (600 of each) pins.  Whoot.  After that I headed back to the room, watched some Olympics before crashing for the night.

Wednesday I got to work late (you mean 7:59am is not the same as 6:59am?) and worked through the day.
Diana Stein and Heather Bruton checked out their booth which went from being a corner booth to an island (well, open on 3 sides with a shared curtain in the back) and they were very excited. :D
Steve Prescott came by and said that he had the commission for last year and that it'll be colored by Sunday (at the end of GenCon last year I knew I'd left a commission hanging around, but couldn't figure out who it was exactly.  Whoot!  Awesome.)
The day closed out and I made reservations for the Webber Grill in Indy for 6... then there was word that there was going to be more, so I made it for 8... we got there and we had another, so we got a table for 10.  After a few more minutes not only were the folks we were "waiting" on there, but they brought more.   It was fine though and we all had furn.
One of the guests in our group was Steve from Dead Gentlemen.  There was some discussion about the new movie (which is released here at GenCon this year) and he asked if I knew what they were talkin' about... and I said "oh, yeah.. sure."  Well, in the discussion I dropped references to both the Purple Ninja (after which he said "Well, if you know about the Purple Ninja, you know more than many folks who've heard of the movie") and to their RPG after he mentioned that Margaret Weis and others were taking care of their purchases here at GenCon this year (he seemed fairly surprised that I knew about the RPG and was like, "You know a lotmore than most fans", which I sort of laughed off, claiming that I only knew freakish fans who I've been around enough to know things from, as well as only having been to the screenings before.)
Anyways... having been that I pushed for Webber, I was a bit nervous about if everyone else was going to enjoy their food, but everyone seemed super-happy with what they got... it was (as before) AWESOME food.  We closed down the restaurant...
Anyays, so after that I got my Crafty Games shirt, then went to the RAM to get shirts for Diana and Heather... but they have to be pre-ordered.. so I paid the money and I'll pick those up on Friday for 'em.

... more updates later.  Now it's Lunch time.

gencon, thursday

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