Oct 28, 2004 22:51
My God, am I annoyed. It could be because I am probably going to get my period soon, but whatever. First, MY PARENTS ARE MEAN! Well, no. That's not true. They do a lot for me. But REALLY!! First, they always got mad at me, cause I asked them to drive me to places a lot. (Never ahead of time. Like, 5 mins before we had to get going I asked them.) I don't do that any more. I always ask ahead. My mom ALWAYS seems annoyed whenever I ask her anything. It's like, "You want to go somewhere? *Sighs exasperated.* I SUPPOSE so." Grrrr..... I wanted a nice Santa beard for Halloween today. I wanted to wear it to school tomarrow. NOTHING AT WAL-MART. >.< (And those are the only kind of cards I have! *Whines*) Mickey finally stole some fluff from a display and stuck it in his pocket. We bought some glue and white pipe cleaners and glued together a nice, ghetto-like Santa beard. (I also bought lots of Halloween decorations, plus men's swimming shorts for my costume. Small, of course.) Ugh. Let's just hope it still holds when it's dry. 9.9 My internet was down, again, for like 4 or 5 hours. Grrr . . . . again. . . I finally had to do a sytems restore on the whole thing. *Yawns.* Now I just wanna go to bed. But, I must plan many things. Turns out Sammy-chan doesn't wanna go to that dance. She's just gonna sleep over. All my friends are invited over my house on Sat to listen to some music and hang around bored out of our skulls for a few hours. Yay. I gotta find out what exactly Jordy wants for her b-day. (And sak why she didn't invite Lexy-chan! I WILL GET HER THERE! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!) I must make my room at least semi-livable to be bored out of our skulls in on Sat. Yeee~sss~. Ugh. So many things. T.T Oh, well. I'll get them all done. Somehow.